More Than a Job: MTC Second-Years Reflect on Their Journeys (Jeffery Harris)
1. What drew you to join the Mississippi Teacher Corps?
What drew me into the Mississippi Teacher Corps was the support that I have received from my professors as well as the teaching community. Before joining, I had not heard of this program, but after enduring some of the time to get to know everyone, I found that support is greatly valued.
2. What was your initial summer like?
My initial summer was challenging and worth the improvement. I learned so much and gained so many long life values, like how to properly work technology.
3. What about your first year of teaching?
My first year of teaching was amazing and productive. Ultimately everything happened so effortlessly and the feeling of family generated on day one.
4. How has your second year of teaching been compared to the first year?
Describe your experiences. My second year of teaching compared to my first year had many comparisons, but my top two would be the dedication from myself; I hear a lot of teachers speak about burnout and I thank God I have not had that feeling when teaching, I have had that feeling with admin, but when teaching would began that feeling dwindles. My second comparison would be my pursuit to create the perfect classroom culture. I noticed that I am still building a culture cohesive to the growth of my children.
5. What have you learned about your kids, their families, and the community since joining MTC?
What I have learned about my children and their community since joining MTC, is that we are not different from each other. I believe that although the location is different, my students are living the life I lived when I was their age. The environment is so similar.
6. What do you wish more people knew about the teaching profession, your school district, and/or your students and their families?
I wish that more people knew how much my children are wanting to be successful. I wish that other communities would authentically see their beauty and love.
7. Reflecting on the last two years, what are you most proud of?
After reflecting on my last two years, I am most proud of myself. I have endured so much in a span of two years, but I am proud of how hard life has gotten and how hard I was willing to win during each battle.